These Bodysuits! I don't even know where to start... But they are better than I thought they would be.
Let's be honest trusting a manufacturer for the first time really is a lottery you really don't know what you are going to get sent.
But these BODYSUITS have blown me away with the quality, sizing and fit.
But don't need to hear it from me, so here's some real proof from our Mums that are now obsessed with them...
"Love Love, I'm a 20E and they fit in perfectly the boobs."
"My bodysuits arrived today. Love the tank one! So good!"
"So good, I love it and now I'm now wanting the white!"
"I'm in total PMS, bloating time of the month and this still fits like a glove. If you are looking for a bodysuit that sucks, you in while still feeling super comfortable AND love buying from a NZ business then definitely go check out this awesome company."
"These bodysuits feel so much better than my cheap Glasson's ones down there"
"Really comfortable"
"Absolutely love the bodysuit, My size range is anywhere from 16-20 and this totally fits" - Amy size 3XL/4XL
"Well I'm so impressed with the Tee one! So nice and compressive without being uncomfortable."
"Holy Moly that bodysuit sure does snatch you in!"
"I had weight loss surgery last year and have lost over 60kg. I have quite loose skin around my tummy and the bodysuit is so smoothing. Thank you so much!"
This is just a little bit of love we get regularly on our bodysuits, if you need help with sizing or have any questions, let me know,
Hi I’m anywhere from a 14-18 mainly a 16 I was just wondering if I should upsize in the lace body suit and how’s the sculpting in it? Thankyou